Pay more. Sell for less.
We're determined to pay the most while selling for lowest possible price.

Why should I sell my video games to you?
Good question. Keep reading and we'll lay it out.
When we started selling online we were surprised there were so many challenges:
- Amazon and eBay kept increasing requirements while reducing support.
- Shipping rates kept skyrocketing while the "big boys" got larger and larger discounts.
- Government regulations kept increasing. Like mandatory sales tax for states we didn't operate in.
- We applied for loans but the banks declined because we sold "pre-owned goods".
Basically, complexity and cost kept increasing while access to capital stayed low. Since we started our business in 2012, it's only gotten worse.
Is this site for me?
Most marketplaces have strict requirements. But tries to make it easy! We're for:
Small merchants
People that want to own a business, set their schedule, and do something awesome, even if they're as small as a company of one!
Jack of all trades
Merchants who deal in wide assortments, too many to master. Don't worry! We have experts so you don't have to. Then we spread the cost across thousands and thousands of units.

What's the plan?
Now that you know who this site is for and why it's needed, how does fit in?
We have a secret plan that we think can help:
Pay more. Sell for less.
That's right. We want to build an sharable infrastructure, split the cost across thousands of vendors, and use the savings to pay our vendors more and sell to our customers for less.
Why reinvent the wheel when you can use ours?
That's the plan in a nutshell.

The snowball effect
Hopefully this creates a self feeding system that only ends with industry wide domination. How?
First, we start the snowball rolling by paying more and selling for less:
- Which attracts more merchants and customers futher increasing economies of scale.
- Which allows us to pay more and sell for less.
- Which attracts more merchants and customers futher increasing economies of scale.
- Which allows us to pay more and sell for less.
- Repeat infinitely...
You got the idea right? Round and round it goes, hopefully to the moon.

What steps have we taken?
Now that you know our plan, you might be thinking, "That sounds good but how will you do this?" We'll break down some actions we've taken:
Narrow margins. operates on the narrowest margin possible.
We located in a low-cost area to reduce overhead. We stress test our operations by cutting costs everywhere we can. When we find savings we split them between increased payments to vendors and price cuts to customers.
We want to be like VISA or MasterCard; have such tiny fees that it makes no sense to bypass us.

We re-manufacture goods in-house at high quality with low costs. We hunt for any excess or waste and remove it using proprietary productivity tracking software.
Wherever possible, we rely on automation such as robotic disc refurbishing and computer controlled manufacturing.
We know we can't just pay the most and sell for less. We also need industry leading quality at an affordable price to attract buyers.

Economies of scale. Sharing is caring.
We share our economies of scale with our amazing vendors, giving them access to discounts and advantages normally reserved for large corporations. The more our vendors sell to us, the more savings we can pass on.
For example:
We deduct a small amount for missing accessories passing on bulk discounts. When shipping to our warehouse, we share 100% of our aggressive shipping discounts.

Group negotiating.
We negotiate with the video game industry's hungriest customers, wherever they may be.
Why are big marketplaces becomming more "unfriendly" towards small sellers every year? Don't they want their goods?
They do. But they've become so massive small merchants seem like tiny specks of dust. Inconsequential and impossible to track. You know what? Collect enough dust and you have a planet.
Don't be a speck. Join planet and have the best terms possible negotiated on your behalf.

Accelerated growth. can accelerate your growth or and increase your profits by eliminating duplicate investments.
Instead of re-inventing the wheel why not try us? Maybe you can use our shared infrastructure to make more money?
There is only one way to find out ...